Punkin’ against hate crimes! 👊

مرحباً! As I wrote in the previous post the Swedish police (Polisen) wasn’t sure who or what was behind the suspected mosque-attacks at the end of 2014 (yes there’s actually been three different attempts since Christmas Eve!), and they still aren’t. Their new theories (unveiled today Monday January 5) though for the Eskilstuna ‘arson’, is … Continue reading Punkin’ against hate crimes! 👊

Merry Christmas 2014…

…I sure hope You’re having a great Christmas, or holiday/weekend, whether you celebrate it or not! Unfortunately the media buzz in Sweden since Christmas Day has not been on the message of peace that the Christmas spirit could bring but rather focusing on a mosque-attack in the Swedish town of Eskilstuna. No wait…there’s actually been … Continue reading Merry Christmas 2014…